Sunday, April 16, 2006

Things I Found Interesting While Web Surfing Today

I found some interesting stuff while web surfing today. I read on a site, which I didn't bother to save, that part of the reason that we have kept the pagan fertility tradition of Easter eggs is that poultry farmers needed to get rid of all the eggs that piled up due to the drop in demand from Lenten fasting. True or not, I love thinking that this holiday was commerce driven, even in the middle ages.

I also discovered a web site with all kinds of interesting facts about our government and taxes. It is There I learned many things, the most interesting of which was that since 1977, our government has made about $60 billion per year on gasoline taxes at the pump on average, while the combined profits of the major oil companies has averaged about $30 billion per year. I will no longer wonder why our government isn't doing more to encourage alternative energy investment.

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